Sunday, June 19, 2011

Food Food Food!!!


Yes, the words make some people's pupils dilate and salivating jaws drop open. FOOD!!! Just the word is enough to excite some.

What does this mean here??? Well this is just from my experience at a 2day seminar I attended recently.

Someone asked me an important question during the break "Will there be Lunch today??"

It was the number 1 question/ thought on many minds. That was evident from the eagerness with which people awaited the BREAK. Even as break is being announced, half the crowd starts vanishing from the hall. With an heightened sense of duty, they approach the food stalls outside. Duty?? Yes, the duty to ensure that nothing goes waste. Of course this means they had not been paying much attention and had been wasting their time and money in the seminar. The ones who decently wait for the announcement to finish and proceed in an orderly manner, have to be content with being at the tail end of that long queue.

Talking about queues, it is almost embedded in the queue mentality (like mob mentality) to push, nudge and break the queue too. An unruly crowd. Especially when it is a 50 year old squeezing in to the line, out of his turn, ahead of you, there is very little that can be said. Therefore it is better to ignore such disturbances and concentrate on the main subject, FOOD.

Frankly the so called FOOD was not that great.  It stayed with me all day long and was also trying to come up my throat all evening. Somehow when day 2 happened, I was able to forget about the lunch from the previous day. Unfortunately I could not avoid the food on day2, but was more cautious and ensured that it did not get too attached to me.

There was also something about the menu. Some items were MANDATORY.

Sambar rice -with loads of OIL
Vada / Cutlet - they are alternated and ensured that the same item does repeat on consecutive days.
Thayir (Curd) vada - thayir being thick and sour

This makes me wonder which organising committee member is fond of Curd Vadas.

Food also allowed an oppurtunity for people to chit chat and catch up. But conversations were difficult with the mouth full. Still A lot can happen over a Plate of Food!!

Based on past experience I did carry an homemade Sandwich but ended up sandwiching it between few items from the buffet.

Food also did its service to the community. All professionals work really hard and in their stressful lifestyle, find very little time to rest. Food did an wonderful service in helping many fall asleep. And guess who sought most help???

Well what do you think a homemade sandwich + buffet food would do to you??

My notes from the seminar are mostly doodles. Somewhat like Spirit Writing where my hand moved on its own without any control from my brain. Happens when you hang down your head and take a nap while sitting in row 4.

For all doubts / questions / comments about the existence of my brain kindly consider the following as the answer "Matter under consideration and hence sub-judice!!

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