Thursday, June 2, 2011

A detailed analysis of the many workings of Life!!

1. People in glass cabins should not smile away on their own

2. When life throws lemons at you, make lemonade. If it throws bricks, catch and build ur house, sell them for profit, throw them at your enemies, explore other options.

3. All the world's a stage and all men and women mere Actors, but where is the director, script, dialogues, STORY? Hence the chaos.

4. Rome was not built in a day, so no use working your ass off. Learn to relax and enjoy your day too.

5. Nothing is permanent but change, that means that change is permanent. but nothing is permanent but change. Vicious circles go on forever.

6. A stitch in time saves nine. No puns on this one as this is very true.

7. An idle mind is the devil's workshop. But once the workshop starts working, the mind is no longer idle. This is a paradox/vicious circle.

8. Kallaanalum kanavan,pullanalum purushan... kallu adhichaalun kanavan??? pull adichallum kanavan??? redundant saying...

Where are 9 and 10??? Sorry, brain not working...

yes this is very mokkai... excuse me please sorry!!


  1. to post a comment, please select any profile that u want to use, and just post. I tried and it worked and i have not signed in to my blogger.

  2. hahaha... Too GOOD!!
    Loved the excuse me please sorry at the end!! :D
    That kadi tv show was awesome!!!

  3. Loved this post.. Every single line made me smile.. :-) :-)

  4. Funny interesting and cool.. all 3.. vicks action 500 maari
