Friday, June 10, 2011

D for Daddy...

As I scratched my head to bring out some words to write today, my head turned left. Aaah!! The sight that I got so behold, an eyesore. A gross monstrosity, like a scar on a pretty face.

Yes, I am talking about my desk.

There is someone at home who has forever tried to inculcate discipline and order into my system. But however my strong will always wins over these attempts. The end result is such an eyesore.

On close examination, products purchased recently, products past their usable life, products that are of no use ever and other uncategorised products line up in a disorderly manner. The confusion and fusion all together.

Why??? I wonder, that I cannot bring myself to make things more in order. They always seem to magically get back time to time. Actually because of the intervention of that someone.

Why??? I wonder, that the someone constantly tries to teach me order.

Actually his efforts are not all in vain. In bangalore, I do all things properly. I am disciplined and orderly, well mostly. And I also do my work without needing someone to order me around. (Sometimes I need to be driven around like the cow that strays off towards grass instead of ploughing the fields). If my name is not called out at least three times, I do not respond, but there I seem to be there even before I am needed.

Why??? you may wonder. It is not cause that I turned responsible after marriage and have realised that discipline and order are important to life. Simple fact is that, I have no one to pick up after me and I have to do things myself.

Also, when someone is trying hard to teach you something, it is always fun giving them a tough time at it.

Wondering whether it is Father's Day already. Probably this post should have been made at that time.

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