Saturday, June 4, 2011

dogs dogs dogs...once again..

Am I a dog lover?? NO

I am a dog admirer. They are intelligent. They are also cute, fluffy, weird, majestic, awesome, annoying, scary and all other adjectives rolled together. "No! Don't roll over and beg". You have to watch what you say in front of a dog, cause they can understand.

Of the many DOG SIGHTINGS that I have done, one incident caught my fancy and became DOG-father part I..

This morning (@6:30am), I spotted two dogs with their two owners. 'What is so special?', you may wonder, well the fact was that the dogs were over 5' tall and the owners were scrawny looking girls who never managed to grow beyond 4'. Ena kodumai sir idhu.

They were making the dogs do their do on the road. This was also another kodumai.

There is also a Mudhal Mariyadhai inspired dog near my house. He (please note the respect bestowed) responds to every call and cry of street hawkers with a howl song. Though it is unappealing to the ears, I am one of his admirers who marvel at his sheer intelligence and consistent response.

I wonder whether my tribute to this intelligent species will end at this. But I would like to add that I am also part of the group who dread them. The stray ones, especially the rabid looking rowdy stray ones. I was almost cornered once, their teeth barring and with a wild snarling, the dogs on my street in Bangalore, almost attacked me. Luckily someone intervened.

Ok!! All that aside. I would like to share a poem I read about dogs. It is really cute. So sharing here.

My Dog Ate My Homework

My dog ate my homework.
That mischievous pup
got hold of my homework
and gobbled it up.

My dog ate my homework.
It's gonna be late.
I guess that the teacher
will just have to wait.

My dog ate my homework.
He swallowed it whole.
I shouldn't have mixed it
with food in his bowl.

--Kenn Nesbitt

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