Monday, June 27, 2011

The Day of the Power Cut!!!

Peak summer and EB has announced a power cut between 9am to 5pm. What would do you? Go to office? Okay, but what about job-less people like me?

Power Cut management is the new order of the day. Faced with this power crisis, we have to plan our work around it to ensure optimal productivity and less resource wastage. Illustrated as below:

1. Plan a visit: A step out of your home would guarantee you at least 1 hour of Sun. So the intelligent choice would be to head to a place where there is shade, comfort and power. Say to some place at Tambaram Sanitorium. The travel time by itself is a good 45 minutes by train. It will be a comfortable ride with loads of fresh air coming your way. At the place too, the waiting area is well ventilated. It helps a lot if you spend extra time waiting for someone and get to enjoy the comforts. Definitely a 9am to 12noon plan including travel time.

2. Plan Train Delays: This would ensure that you stay out of your power-less home a little while longer. Chose to land at the station when the train is nowhere in sight and you can wait comfortably for 20 minutes for it to show up. Also delay your return and time it to coincide with a malfunctioning bogey. It is a bit tricky to make the bogey scrape along the platform, set off sparks of fire, making an emergency stop and to ensure a 2 hour disruption of all rail services. All done when you are just entering the station and not on board the faulty train. Loads of Luck required for this plan to work. I was extremely lucky today.

3. Plan Power-cut Baths: Yes there are 2 baths to be planned on such a day. Bathing in sweat and bathing in cool water. Bathing in sweat is easy as all you have to do is to stop waving the hand-fan and fall asleep. You would wake up startled, wondering whether you had wet your bed again!! Bathing in cool water can also be easily managed. It may not be possible if you had planned to throw in some ice-cubes because no-power means no fridge therefore no ice-cubes. Best way is to fill up your buckets and let the water cool down all through the day. Remember that these are tips on planning. So bath in cold water is to be taken after the bath in sweat. The opposite combination would be a bad plan and would make you go for bath number 3. That is a lot of water and work. Optimal productivity and less wastage of resources, remember??

4. Plan shopping: Power cuts always tend you leave you bored and you may need a boost to your system. I am a great advocate of retail therapy and would suggest that you include a shopping trip to your plan. Again it should be a planned shopping trip with a list of items that you wish to shop / window-shop for. No plan means an unsatisfied shopper who would return with unforgotten acquisitions/inquisitions. As mentioned in an earlier post, kindly ensure that you plan the money for your trip too. Else you would be trying to swipe for a Rs.1000 bill while you have a balance of Rs.641 in your account.

If you follow the above tips, a power-cut can be efficiently managed (for the job-less only). Applying these in your business atmosphere would require some tweaks. For which kindly use your managerial / entrepreneurial skills and ideas. I am just a job-less blogger.

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