Sunday, March 1, 2015

The February Roundup!!

February had just 28 days and thank God for that. Which only means the coffers will get re-filled earlier than usual

This was a month of celebrations and hence the depletion of resources. Yes! Celebrations.

Kicking off the events was Parents' Wedding Anniversary!! Did nothing earth shattering but went for a surprise visit. Then felt guilty for not doing much about it and therefore followed it up with a compensatory visit the following week. This trip was to mainly take my mother on a shopping spree and also get something for dad.

Mid-Feb was the World Famous valentine's day and in other news, 15th Feb was my wedding day. Yes, it was indeed. However with husband away and me at parents', it was an odd day. We couldn't even speak on the phone. Then come evening 6, surprise surprise there he is at the door! It turned to be a very pleasant evening and a very quiet and simple 6th Anniversary spent together.

The celebrations continued with Dad's birthday. We had a simple visit to the temple early morning and spent the day together with breakfast, lunch and dinner at home. Of course the new clothes were worn and lots of pictures were taken. Dad finally took his first digi-cam selfie and I was at my 689th.

Also in other news, visited bangalore after almost 2.5 months. Strangely it felt as if nothing had changed, that we had not moved out at all. But the visit was very short and was soon on the way back.

The last part of Feb was where I was exhausting reserves. I wound up with a low cash balance, low bank balance, low call balance and a low battery all on the same evening. It was a strange feeling to be stuck like that. Ofcourse on reaching home everything was back to normal.

The one thing lagging though is my Time Management. My reading and hobbies have taken a back seat and I just wonder when will I get back to them. It was only with great determination that I managed to pen this roundup.

Just praying that I find my RHYTHM by end of March!

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