Monday, July 11, 2011

Tired out...

Wanted to blog a great lot of things, but feeling extremely tired and thereby unable to do so. The reason for my fatigue and the subject of the great things are the same. Without further delay, I shall divulge the secrets

8th July 2011 : The blogger had paid a visit to dear old T.nagar.

There was something important to be done. But once it was dealt with, T.nagar woke the Shopaholic in me. It didn't take much effort to get in to every shop that seemed new and unexplored. Though I am not a fan of window shopping, I walked out empty handed from each little store. To my dismay, I hadn't wasted any money that day. But had spent a lot of energy in all my shop-hopping.

9th July 2011 : The blogger found it difficult to stay at home so left early to work.

Ok, I reached office by 10:30am. From there headed to Perambur (hour long journey) for a holiday with the cousin. It was there that I happened to join in a shopping expedition. A trip to Parrys Corner wholesale market. For the uninitiated, It is an area filled with Things to Buy and consists of many intricately woven tiny streets, each with its own speciality. It is easy to get lost and end up in another part of Chennai altogether. After some good 5hours of Kasi Chetty Street experience, battery got drained.

10th July 2011 : The blogger chose to exit Perambur and enter Mogapair

That meant another hour long journey but in a direction that took me farther away from home. I shall directly move to the best part of the day. A little Miss was dressed up in her new RED frock. That sparked an idea of Little Red Riding Hood. A mini, to-be-shared-with-family video was made featuring the acting talents of Miss Seven, Mister Eleven and Miss Fifteen, directed by Mrs Twenty Seven. This ten minute video was shot just under Two Hours. Shabaaaaa.

11th July 2011 : The blogger had chores to finish

Mogapair to Home. Break. Home to Parrys Corner to T.nagar to Home. T.nagar involved a lot of walking and Trial Room touring. Again I returned empty handed. A disappointed shopper is a drained shopper.

If this post is dull and boring, it is merely because of the fact that I am tired to my bones. With that would also like to grant few days leave to the wonderful people who have patiently read on. If you did find any spark of good writing here, it is purely my genius to write well even when am sleepy. Have spent an entire hour on this and plan to blog soon. Till then I shall recharge.

Good Night and Good Day (Making up for all timing differences)!!!!


  1. Mothathhill, the blogger is totally jobless :D..

    Btw, keep writing :)

  2. writing is easy but writing something sensible is the challenge... thank you!! keep reading!!
