Thursday, March 7, 2013


I wake up in the morning, it is 6 o'clock
I brush; I bath, put up the coffee pot
 “Wake up dear, coffee is here”
I smile, I serve and move on
The kitchen is on the golden run

The cooker steams, water boils
I run hither, vegetables to dice.
A dash of spice and a pinch of salt
A spoonful to taste, “aah, Well done!”

Square boxes lined up
Lunches to pack
“Where did he put his bag?”
“My coffee is cold, Oh Smack!!”

The clock says nine, my Cinderella time.
A quick change,
Make up’s done
“Just a sec, I’ll join you Hon!”

Its 7:30 now, just back from work
Dinner time, rats in my gut.
More steam, more salt
Food to the table is brought.
No waiting I pray,
Hope he is early today.

It was, it wasn’t, just the usual
The day is done and so are the dishes.
I head back to my bed,
Groggy eyes, sleepy tread
I lie down and soon I am as good as dead.

And I wake up in the morning, it is 6 o'clock.


  1. The life of a working wife.. Engayo paathaa maari irukku :-)

    1. frankly the life of every wife.. the one's managing the home would probably be able to slip in a noon time nap though

  2. Beautifully written about everyday routine of Woman mostly
