Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lazy afternoons..

It is the silliest of predicaments - to laze or not to laze. This sudden situation has presented itself before me in light of my re-scheduling my lifestyle. Simple changes wherein I do not waste any minute in my morning times. I used to do things slightly disorganised and would end up hugely delayed with some important work. I'd find it difficult to find a whole minute at my convenience. It would feel like I have been on my feet the whole time and yet nothing would be complete. And then one day I stayed over at my cousin's. It was a revelation. Watching her go about managing her morning and leaving for work inspired me. That is hat big sisters are for. It was the first inspiration for me to lean Time Management. I haven't mastered it yet but am surely on a steady path towards it. With open eyes I now followed my Mom around. To all girls in the world, their mothers are their first teachers. Without even really knowing what I had been learning I ended up learning a lot. Specifically she constantly inspires me with her ability to Oraginse and Execute to perfection. She is a Master Time Manager. I have grown up watching her manage the house efficiently despite the tire of her job. That said I do have really have awesome genes. In everything I do today, I quickly refer my memory as to what my idols would have done. I shall not exaggerate but my lifeskills have come from my parents. To think that my child would depend on mine does make me shudder but I guess it would be fine. So where is the connection with the afternoon? I have no work. Everything is done and dusted by then and I have nothing much to do. And that is when the predicament comes about. To laze or not to laze in other words I have to decide between sleeping and staying awake. All those who are slogging at work and struggling to stay awake post lunch, praying for a magical hour of rest, would all be definitely angry/jealous right now. What to do to if I have so much time in my hands ? If you'd suggest that I get back to my job, I'd have to retract this post as I would have re-organise and re-schedule all over again. But what to do, I love my lazy afternoons.

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