Spent a great weekend with my friends... Time... met them after almost 2 whole years.. yet it felt like we hadn't been apart that long... had the best 2 days of my life, rejoicing their company...
Time.. slips past without our knowledge... like it is almost a month since i started work on an assignment..
Time... the healer... he erases the wounds out of our memory and hereby heals us of the pain...
I was thinking about changing realities... there have been moments in life where there seemed to be no greater happiness or no greater grief... and yet... today they seem a dream...
as i wonder what is REAL... i am reminded of a story...
A sage was asleep.. he had a dream.. a bee was flying from flower to flower and collecting nectar... the sage woke up with a question on his mind..
a disciple noticing the change, couldn't resist question his guru on the state of his mind...
the sage said.."i dreamt of a bee collecting nectar... it seemed so real.. yet it was only a figment of my imagination... Now i am forced to wonder..this life that we live.. whose imagination is it??? or is it REAL???"
One thing which I dread to do is realise time is going by fast! It leaves me low spirited! ofcourse in reality every now and then we are made to realise times have changed. Very apt story.. Very interesting to think that our life is someone else's imagination! good one..