Saturday, October 25, 2014

Change and Hope!

I woke one morning with just the usual thoughts; a plan for a warm shower, a plan to finish a book and a plan for a nice nap. But it was not to be. A phone call later I was getting ready for Work.

I have a strange relationship with Work; we meet only once in a while and mostly because a zero bank balance sets us up on a date.

Everything seemed rosy and like I would be smiling my way in to the Bank. However I was writhing in pain in a hospital bed. Accidents happen and they are called accidents cause they happen when you least expect them and could be as freak and basic as the one I had.

I had never thought that I would have a knife on my skin or for that matter, fall off a bike or even ever ride a bike in the first place. That one fall changed my life, although temporarily, from a right hander to a left hander.

Then time healed the wounds, at least that never changes, time always heals. I had a limb that looked like a zombie hand, dead yet alive or something of that sort. It was time for another change now, the change of bringing the hand back to its old glory. All I had to do was squeeze the life out of a smiley ball and finger wrestle my doc. I had other things to do too but they weren’t as much fun as these. Voila! I became a wholesome Right Hander once again.

The changes were still not over though, at least the big ones. I was told that I will be moving from this city to another. It took time to digest that I had to leave a city that I had adapted to and now I need to set up myself all anew in a place to which I had bid adieu a few years back.

But the most shocking thing happened. Something that now makes the fracture and the moving all seem as no major events at all. Our house was burgled, my home was violated. First it was my Health and now I had to worry about my Wealth

And the icing on the cake, my Birthday!

But change is inevitable. Nothing is constant but change. Therefore I have this hope glowing deep inside that everything will sort out itself and things will be fine. Health and Wealth on one side, not losing one’s mind is the most important. It is also important to not lose sight of the small joys in life.

Despite a broken hand and temporarily scarred face, I didn't shy from the world outside and strived to be my own woman, independent as always. Despite the move, I looked forward to a new life. And despite everything else, I cheered up and had a wonderful birthday, all by myself, making my favourite treat and rejoicing that I had this life to live and that whatever has happened has happened for the best.

Always Hoping for the Best!

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