Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Everything Happens for a Reason!

When something is HAPPENING you undergo various emotions and notions on what is going on and what is to come. Till such event completely unfolds, you are only left with two choices viz., be anxious or be calm.


It was an usual working day's start. I had just laid out my laptop and was wondering what I had to do today. As my attention turned to my yet to start computer, an error blinked at me. My initial blank reaction soon turned frantic as I kept trying hopelessly for some magic to work by a mere restart.

The laptop was Dead.

If I had screamed, it was only heard inside my head. I screamed even louder when the IT man said that the data was lost for good. "DATAAAA" as I heard myself  inside my head, I found I had BUTTERFLIES in my stomach. I no longer desired the food in front of me and even life seemed bleak. Me and my attachment to my DATA.


Just at that bleak moment, a chance to escape presented itself and I desperately grabbed on to it. It was a two day window to spend time with family. A completely unplanned one and hence was a pleasant experience.

The best was yet to come.

On the way back, we had decided to seek blessing from the Seers at the Kanchi Matt. It was an hour long wait that was tiresome and filled the mind with various doubts. Between my uncomfortable saree and cramped legs, restlessness started to creep in. But in a sudden moment the scene changed. There was a buzz in the crowd and we found ourselves standing face to face with a Human Being whose presence made those BUTTERFLIES return. Believers believe, non believers scorn and I was left wondering.


The laptop finally came back and 'SURPRISE - SURPRISE', my "DATAAAA" was back too.

If I had not had a faulty laptop

Then I would have been stuck with "work"

Then I would not have got to surprise my parents with a sudden visit

Then I would not have got that Once in a Lifetime Chance to have an exclusive audience with a revered Guru

This so called precious DATAAAA was a collection of many family Pictures, movies and songs that I had collected ever since I first got a pendrive. My Treasure Hoard.

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