Monday, February 13, 2012

Unleash the Terror!!

Some people are born with that natural flair for doing things differently from others. I have always stayed in the side-lines admiring them. Then in some attempt to be different and cool myself, I give it a try and make a Fool of myself. Or rather no one even notices but I personally feel Foolish for having done such a thing.

Let me elucidate:

Scene 1: It is an AD-ZAP event. We are split into teams of 5-6 and asked to think of some Product and think of some cool Ad jingles and skit - ads. Like usual my luck on doing something COOL is always low and therefore I end with up like minded people a.k.a NERDS. End result, there we are (I am) on stage, trying to describe an out of the world, insanely super efficient, PEN / PISTOL / SPY CAM et all rolled into one, un-imaginable and super-nerdy Product. With such a product at hand, the DUD of an Ad need not be elaborated here.

On the other hand, a team stands out with its Product. Gone to the dogs they say. I believe they came up with something on the lines of AXE for Man's Best Friend. At that time Angels were yet to fall, but they showed that the B*#@%^S did. Needless to say that they were the winners.

How easily were they able to be Humorous and Successful and we(I) Dull and Dudly.

Scene 2: It is a college event. They were selecting contestants for Singing Competition. It was one of the few times that I actually had the courage to sing in front of Judges. I had been rehearsing an English number. Definitely a stand out from the Kollywood Bollywood numbers the others were to sing. Suddenly I felt like a FOOL for choosing such a stand out gaana. So when my turn actually came, I chose to sing a song that was a Male solo and even before I could get past Line 1, the judges decision was made. OUT.

Then in the heartbreak of being rejected, I got on stage later and sung before the whole college "Aye Raju" parody of Alane by Devang Patel - the eunuch song.

Then I had to leave college that year itself.

Scene 3 to n: There are many other embarrassing instances like

Trying to dress up Cool and ending up like a Cartoon

Trying to walk with panache and then tripping on a gap in the tile.

Trying to talk in a stylish manner and muddling and mixing up the words with the accent.

Trying to eat with etiquette and ending up with the food all over face and dress (happens every time with a Pizza or burger or soup)

Ultimately whenever I TRY I GOOF up big time. And I am yet to develop the attitude of being able to laugh at myself and therefore I largely feel embarrassed at these shortcomings. I am also yet to develop an acceptance of myself and stop TRYing to be something that I am not. With more of my concentration on being myself probably I could have avoided most of these accidents.

But here is the irony. It wouldn't be me if I didn't try to be something more than just me.

Probably all this thinking and analysing is a sign that I am FINALLY growing up. Here's to OLD AGE. Here I Come.