Friday, February 6, 2015

31 days of Jan

With inspired writing not flowing, I decided to make a log. Here it goes about Jan

Apart from the routine cleaning and cooking and cleaning there was a lot of lazing and procrastination. There was guilt and there was laziness. There was dust everywhere and work left pending and I'd make excuses to myself for doing it later. I guess it was my relocation blues working extra hours that made me while away my time in a mild stupor.

With this knowledge, ever since I have been trying to be more hands on and less postponing. The progress is there. Lots better than before. I still sit lazy but at least work gets done.

There was also my surrendering my long held library membership. After having voracoiusly read book after book for almost a year and a half, I finally realised that a break is needed. With the subscription going up, it was easier to decide. I hope to get back to active reading once again. However have to wait till I start to miss them books badly.

Jan was filled with cakes and pasteries and the realisation that I had gained a lot of weight. The weight and cakes were not related but then the cakes didn't help much either. My love for cakes and chocolates is an age old one. Something that I get easily tempted by.

Many other non-consequential things happened and still happen. But I can say that after almost 2 months I've finally settled down. A routine is in place, something that I can rely on and start planning based on. Uncertainity is something that I can hardly put up with. With home base reasonably set, I do feel a lot relaxed and whole lot in control.

That was basically Jan. A week of Feb has already flown by but the musings on that will be for later.

I also Vow to keep the writing alive.